Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Current WIP

So I got the opportunity to buy a Tau army from a friend and have been thinking of a color scheme to paint the army. Originally, I bought the army as part of a commission, but after discussing and (almost) finalizing the army, the client backed out....what the heck!

Well now I'm stuck with this army and don't plan on hanging on to it as it just takes up more room. So I decided that I was going to sell it, but I was going to sell it painted. This would at least draw more people to look at it and it would be a done army that I can focus on for awhile to post up on blogger as well. By no means am I painting this army at a Golden Demon quality, but above table top gaming quality.

So far, I've base coated and did the cloth for 6 Fire Warriors and I've blended the Shas'Ui a bit more to give it some highlights. Just need to do some shading on him and pick out some details. I've decided that I was going to do all the metal work in NMM. First off, this would make the army pretty cool looking, but secondly it would also allow me to work on my NMM painting. After I finish the 6 man squad, I plan on painting a 3 man Stealth Team, then a Devilfish for the Fire Warriors. Here's the progress so far (sorry about the bad pics):

Friday, August 5, 2011

Golden Demon Entry voting and Games Day

I decided to throw up my mini's picture on CMON and wanted to see what vote score it would get. So far it's only gotten about 42 votes or so. If you'd like, please click HERE to go to the voting page and vote for my mini and score it what you think it should be.

There is just so much to go over from last weekend and I'm still kind of sorting out my pictures and wrapping my brain around the whole event. One of the cool things that I saw at GD was the video gaming stations set up. As a video gamer, it was like a dream paradise come true! There were so many Xbox and PS3 systems and high performance PC's that I almost wet myself.  The platforms were out to unveil the new Space Marine game that will be coming out on consoles next month. The line for these machines were packed, but lucky I was able to get in a few minutes of gaming on Friday night after set up.

The game is just amazing!!! And the flow from shooting to close combat attacks is so natrual feeling and allows the game to flow without any real mis-steps. You don't even have a chance to question what you should do, but all you do is react to the situation and play....this allows the user to be more combat oriented or just go gung-ho and fire away like a crazy mad man. Totally awesome to play.

Not to mention the uber cool life sized chainsword they had on display. It was planned that the chainsword was going to be given away, but I guess they changed their minds...I wouldn't want to give it away either! Makes me want to try to make one for myself to wield around. I mean who wouldn't want one of those things?

During the day, the gang and I went to do a speed demon painting competition. We had 45 minutes to paint up a model that was supplied to us and we also had to use GW standard size brushes. Oh how I love my Kolinsky and W&N Series 7 that much more!  Once the painting began, I had already planned in my head and decided that I was going to try to paint mono-tone. I was aiming at using basically one color: Codex Grey. Of course I would use Chaos Black for the shadows and blending, but with only 45 minutes to spare and not enough color choices, this was the way to win! In the end, the judges seemed to be just choosing the models that looked the most accurate to the real color scheme. Oh well, it was still fun and I had a good experience with going the mono-tone route and may visit that style of painting once again in the near future.

My mono-tone attempt

The group shot!
 After GD was over, we were pretty much exhausted and all wanted a nice onwards we went to Gibson's. It was highly recommended by alot of people so we decided to go. It was a bit pricey, but OMG the food was amazing!!!! Not to mention it was the only resturant that I've been to in my lifetime that actually served steak portions more than 20 oz.!!!! And no I didn't order anything that big, but it was definately a sight to see when others ordered huge meals. Can't wait to go back next year!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Games Day 2011 Chicago

So the official Games Workshop website has been updated with all the winning entries from this year's Golden Demon competition. The website is HERE.

My one and only entry this year was in the 40K Large Monster category where I placed second behind and amazing GK Knight.

My goal for next year is to enter in as many categories as possible to take home multiple demons. Doesn't have to be gold, but multiple!!! :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Games Day 2011

So we are back! Finally! After 7 or so hours waiting at the airport yesterday and getting back in around 11:30pm. I was completely exhausted. But it was fun hanging with Jawa and Frtiz at the airport, watching 'The Thing' on Jawa's laptop lol.

Overall, I had a blast this past weekend at Chicago Games Day. I got to hang out with some truly awesome people. Being apart of the 'Heroes of Armageddon' project and putting the models on the table was very cool. There were just so many models on the table that you couldn't not find any cool angles to look from. A big thanks to Mike and John over at SantaCruz Warhammer and all the team leaders for getting this together. We ended up raising $32,000 for 'Doctors without Borders'.

The Crew
Jawa took best banner (again) this year and there were alot of cool banners and costumes. So great job Jawa!!! He's got something special planned for next year, I could arleady see the twinkle in his eye getting ready for a 4-peat.

I was also honored this past weekend.....with a SILVER DEMON in 40k Large! I couldn't believe it and I still can't believe it. The model that took gold in the category was absolutely amazing and jaw dropping (Drew Drescher's DreadKnight). I had some time to introduce myself and meet up with alot of amazing painters and demon/sword winners. Got alot of helpful advice and tips to make my painting a bit better. Hopefully this win will allow me to be motivated enough to build and paint more models before next year's GD. I plan on some cool things.

More pics and things to come.