Saturday, September 4, 2010

Battle for Salvation Raffle Army Part II

So I decided to go ahead and add a couple of more units to the army. I think it is a sizable army and is quite large for a raffle army. Anyhow, I ended up throwing in the following:

1. Chaplain with a jump pack
2. 5 Man assault squad with jump packs
3. 5 Man assault squad without jump packs
4. 2 Sanguinary Priests to go with each of the assault squads
5. 1 Dreadnought with multi melta and close combat arm

Overall, I think I am going to convert the predators into a razorback and a rhino so that the assault squad can go along with the razorback and the tactical squad can go with the rhino. I may end up throwing in another tank, possibly a Baal class predator. I really wish there was a drop pod for one of the dreadnoughts though. I'll have to see if anyone is willing to donate one. Plus I think I will be working on a special project on the side, which will be revealed on the last day before the tournment. Keep a watch out for further progress of this army.

BTW, if you haven't realized by now, this army is being painted as FLESH TEARERS, the beasts of the bloodline of Sanguinius :)

Chaplain with jump pack

Assault squad with jump packs accompanied by a Sanguinary Priest with jump pack

Assault squad without jump packs accompanied by a Sanguinary Priest
Predator (maybe switched to Razorback) WIP

Predator (maybe switched to Razorback) WIP

The army as a whole....for now.

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